The Newgrounds flash API is one of the best features you can have in a flash game, like, ever.
So, not only does it allow you to have metals, scoreboards, saved data, and the ability to pull information from users (mainly username), it's a wonderful tracker.
I've had fun tracking the spread of Electric Rubber ever since the first week I put it here on Newgrounds. Although it was only about a month after I first uploaded it(to Kongregate, for those wondering), I have come to realize how insignificant that website can be with tracking. Turns out, at least three websites snagged it from Kongregate without my knowledge. Sure, I don't care, the more the better, but I always do like knowing how it's done and what version it was on (One website actually snagged the very first version, with only two upgrades).
Now, why am I writing this and why do I care? Kongregate is only better at one thing - tracking your money. You can export spreadsheets, check custom date ranges, and yeah, that's awesome and all, but you can only see how well your game does on that website with their API. Turns out within the month before I threw the Newgrounds API into the game for the first time, the three websites that picked it up gathered a total of 12k views. That's quite amazing, but they're running on old versions. What could I possibly do with the Kong API? Nothing.You can't upload a new version and have the game redirect telling people about the new version (which I'm sure site owners would be quick to grab it too, don't want traffic being redirected to a new site). I know of no other website that offers that feature. Although I've only had to use it once before, it's useful at keeping the version somewhat normal throughout websites.
Yeah, Newgrounds is the only website I know to have something like this purely awesome thing.
Random news post, but I just love it. So I decided to write about it :P