This'll be my longest blog post to date (with pretty pictures, too). Mainly a progress update and plans for this month and next, it'll also go into some detail about the recent Trivial Trivia series.

The future is coming
Electric Rubber 2 is coming along nicely. Have made 3 functional pages of the Shop, 3/6 functional front page buttons, and a conversion page to convert your energy (joules) into money.

Clicking - Click for a powerful boost to your energy. Has a 30 second cooldown, which can be redused by purchasing cooldown reducers in the store.
Money - Convert energy to money, which is how you'll purchase things.
Achievements - Track your achievements in-game, along with being able to view them on Newgrounds.
Multiple Plants - Buy more than one energy plant! Multiplies your idle gainings, energy clicking, capacity, and more by how many plants you have. Maximum of 3 plants are planned.
Plant View (work in prog.) - Upgrade your plants from one single page.
Info Box: Seen to the right of the rubbing box, your information about a few things will be displayed. Hopefully this will make it easier to see your current stats.
Expecting this game to be ready sometime mid-August on a Thursday or Friday. I plan on having over 15 medals and over 5 scoreboards, so this'll be full o' Newgrounds API stuff.

(Old logo cuz why not)
Electric Rubber will also be getting an update shortly after the release of Electric Rubber 2. Mainly to exterminate bugs, some features from it's sequel may make their way into this game (99.9% chance of an info box).
I'm also amazed and glad to know that this game has been extremely popular (by my standards, at least) by generating over 15k views on Newgrounds and a combined total of over 22k throughout sites that have the Newgrounds copy of it. Thanks for all the support!

The games that seem to love to be hated
Yes, this series is not my best work. Yes, there's a near 0% replay value, yes it's just questions and clicking, but there is a special category here on Newgrounds just for that, right? Trivial Trivia was always planned to be a series of games meant to center around a topic (or in the case of the first, not center around one at all) while offering some sort of challenge. I wanted to create a series that would be easy to clone (like a quiz game) to use as a filler between major releases, like the first game I mentioned here in my post.
With that being said, I don't like making low-quality games. But looking into this quiz category a bit more, I've noticed it needs a few games with metals. My general idea is, that if the newest game of TT recieves a score of 3 or above, I'll make another the next week. If it recieves a lower score, I'll possibly delay or stop the production of them, and if any of the games in the series recieve a score lower than 2.25, I will cease to produce these games. Feedback is always welcome, as I mainly judge making a new game on score, comments, and plays.
Hey, that math game got a score of 3. Does that mean you're making another one?
Yes. Meet it below.

Trivial Trivia: Movies will be released August 11th, which may also be the same week as Electric Rubber 2.

So what's up for next month? It's been a game that I originally started around Robot Day, but put on delay for Zomboid Grinder. After Electric Rubber 2, work will begin on it again. I am hoping for a September release, but with the return of school (first year of college for me), and my birthday, I don't want to put a date on this. It's codename is currently "Rubbing Adventures". Take what you want from that title :)
I've published games on other websites years back, and if I am short on time with college this coming year, I'll probably spend time on adding the NG API and publish them instead of creating new games. So be prepared for that if time isn't plentyful for me this fall.
I think that covers everything I need to say, so thanks for reading!