A very interesting concept for a clicker/incremental game, just not a big fan of how slow it is and how upgrades/progression isn't too well explained from the start (I can see the medals but am a bit afraid to ask how many books it'll take for that one achievement + am not sure how selling books for $7 in the beginning translates to legislation). I made it about 4-5 books in before writing this and am not too sure how the ghostwriter is helping me.
My other main criticism is the lack of immersion or 'pazazz'. While the text is written it would be cool to hear a typewriter or pen writing on paper for example. Maybe after a book is completed a 'thud' or closing of a book sound is played. Beyond sound improvements to the visuals would be cool. I see this is a game jam submission so understand there's a time crunch but wanted to offer some suggestions and things i think may make this a bit better.